The music featured here is based on the book, Sing the Story. The music embraces the heart of our worship and devotion: Jesus Christ. The selections especially focus on the seasons of the church year from Advent to Pentecost, telling the story of Jesus. Sing the Story 2 CD features the Story Musicians of Harrisonburg, Virginia; Shekinah, an independent female singing group based in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia; and Sons of the Day, young men who explore the wide variety of a cappella traditions.
Included are:
I will stand in the congregation
Maranatha, come
Rejoice, rejoice, the Savior comes
Sithi bonga / We sing praise
Erfreue dich / Be joyful
A stable lamp is lighted
Arise, your light is come!
Abre mis ojos / Open my eyes
Here to the house of God we come
Vin pran / Come, take and eat
I saw a tree by the riverside
Beauty for brokenness
God has chosen me
Peace before us
Som’landela / We will follow
We are often tossed and driven
Khudaya, rahem kar / Have mercy on us
I will come to you in the silence
Christ is alive
Let all creation dance
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning
Gloria, gloria, gloria
Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem
Kenneth Nafziger served on the committees that created Hymnal: A Worship Book (1992), Sing the Journey (2005) and Sing the Story (2007). This is the second CD that he produced and directed of hymns from Sing the Journey. He is a professor of music at Eastern Mennonite University, and the artistic director and conductor of the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival, Harrisonburg, Va.