“The days of sitting in pews pointing in the same direction one day a week as ‘church’ are melting away. But how do we do that? Fitch gives us direction for taking the next step.”
~BRUXY CAVEY, pastor of The Meeting House and author of Reunion and The End of Religion
“David Fitch draws from the heart of the Anabaptist tradition to present a refreshing vision of a gathered community. If you (or people you know) have lost hope, spend an hour with Fitch.”
~NIJAY K. GUPTA, professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary
“A compelling vision of the church as a community of practices tending to the presence of Christ in the world. A welcome message for Christian leaders navigating mission in a post-Christendom world.”
~EMILY MCGOWIN, assistant professor of theology at Wheaton College
“David Fitch reinvigorates imagination for what the church needs to be in these apocalyptic times. Church isn’t simply a service on Sunday morning but a joyful, healing, loving, faithful, surprised-filled community that bears witness to Jesus.”
~JR WOODWARD, national director of the V3 Movement, author of Creating a Missional Culture, and co-author of The Church as Movement
“David Fitch gives us hope that church still matters. His analysis can invigorate those who might be discouraged over the church’s current ambiguous place in society.”
~DENNIS EDWARDS, author of Might from the Margins and associate professor of New Testament at North Park Seminary
“David Fitch takes us back to the ways of Jesus, where church is defined by the communion of practices, culture of presence, and sense of mission. A must read for anyone keen on seeing the church renewed.”
~MABIALA KENZO, professor of theology at Faculté de Théologie Evangélique de Boma and director of District Saint-Laurent, Alliance Chretienne et Missionnaire au Quebec