“Nancy Bedford addresses the twofold question of the title with thorough biblical grounding and keen theological and ethical insight. She offers a compelling vision for faithful living contextually guided by the prayer ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’”
~Daniel Schipani, professor emeritus at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
“Who is he and what does it mean to follow him? You will benefit from exploring answers to these questions with Nancy Bedford. She skillfully includes other voices in the conversation—biblical and historical—and she pays attention to context—Jesus’ and contemporary contexts—in this concise volume.”
~Mark D. Baker, professor of mission and theology at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary
“To venture a vivid, engaging, up-to-date portrait of Jesus Christ and his mission in a short work is a towering task. Yet Nancy Bedford has accomplished this and more with the ease of an artist at the height of her power. She places readers amid Jesus and his world, drawing us to follow him on what will surely be a journey well beyond our expectations.”
~Nancy Pineda-Madrid, T. Marie Chilton Chair of Catholic Theology at Loyola Marymount University
“A beautifully engaging primer on walking in Jesus’ steps in our era of White nationalism, extractive capitalism, and chronic militarism. In Nancy Bedford’s Anabaptist-grounded telling, Jesus is a dark-complected, agrarian prophet and healer who was unjustly executed by the Roman Empire. His life and message of radical inclusion of society’s most marginalized members sounds the right notes in our troubled times. This small gem is perfectly suited for individuals and church groups committed to following the Jesus Way.”
~Mark Wallace, professor of religion at Swarthmore College
“In an age when too many Christians are followers first of ‘Q’ and QAnon, Dr. Bedford’s tautology on the person and work of Jesus, and in turn who we should be as persons and followers of Jesus, is the right book, at the right time—for all time.”
~Angela Cowser, associate dean of Black church studies and doctor of ministry programs and associate professor of Black church studies at Louisville Seminary