I. Who are the Amish?
- Are the Amish Christian? Where do the Amish come from?
- Who were the first Amish?
- When did the Amish come to America? Are there still Amish in Europe?
- What is the difference between Amish and Mennonite?
- What does “Old Order Amish” mean?
- Not all Amish look alike. Are there different kinds of Amish?
II. What are Amish church-communities like?
- Where do the Amish live?
- What is the Amish church? Where do they worship?
- How are Amish communities organized?
- When do the Amish get baptized? What is baptism like in an Amish community?
- Can anyone join the Amish?
- What happens if someone leaves the Amish?
- Can any Amish person be a minister or a bishop?
- How do you get to be an Amish minister?
III. What does it mean to be “Plain”?
- Why don’t the Amish use electricity?
- Why do they ride in cars but refuse to own them?
- Are there special Amish foods? How do they preserve things without refrigerators?
- Do the Amish pay taxes? Do they vote?
- Why do Amish men have beards but no mustaches?
- Who tells the Amish how to dress and why do they dress that way?
- Do the Amish go to doctors?
IV. What is it like to grow up Amish?
- Do Amish children go to school?
- What is an Amish church service like?
- Why don’t Amish dolls have faces?
- What do the Amish do for fun?
- What do the Amish like to read?
- What are frolics?
- What holidays do the Amish celebrate?
V. What about courtship and marriage?
- What is Rumspringa? Is it true that all Amish teenagers leave home for a year to be “English”?
- Are Amish marriages arranged?
- What is an Amish wedding like?
VI. What about Amish grownups?
- Are Amish women really submissive?
- What kind of work do Amish men and women do?
- What happens when people get old?
- Are there retirement communities?
- What are Amish funerals like?
VII. What problems do the Amish face and what keeps Amish communities together?