Rev. Joanna Harader is the author of Expecting Emmanuel and frequently posts words for worship on her blog, Spacious Faith. Her liturgies have been published in the Voices Together hymnal and are used in churches of various denominations. She has written for publications such as Leader magazine, ShineSunday School curriculum, and Christian Century. Joanna serves as pastor of Bethel College Mennonite Church in North Newton, Kansas.
Michelle Burkholder serves as associate pastor of Hyattsville (MD) Mennonite Church and is a practicing visual artist. One of Michelle’s paper cutout pieces, Loaves and Fishes, can be found in the Voices Together hymnal. After studying art and theater at Eastern Mennonite University, Michelle went on to study the intersections of theology and the arts at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. The connections between art, faith, and spirituality fill Michelle with wonder, curiosity, and joy.