Arthur Boers
Arthur Boers holds the R. J. Bernardo Family Chair of Leadership at Tyndale Seminary (Toronto, Canada). He previously taught pastoral theology at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, Indiana). A Benedictine oblate, he served for over sixteen years as a Mennonite pastor in rural, urban, and church-planting settings in the United States and Canada. He has written or co-written six books, including The Way is Made by Walking: A Pilgrimage Along the Camino de Santiago (InterVarsity, 2007), reflecting on an 800-kilometer pilgrimage that he walked in Spain; Never Call Them Jerks: Healthy Responses to Difficult Behavior (Alban, 1999) and Take Our Moments and Our Days, volumes one and two and Day by Day These Things We Pray: Uncovering Ancient Rhythms of Prayer (all from Herald Press).