The results are in for the first ever Herald Press first lines quiz. (See this post for the questions.) Thanks to all of you who entered your answers to this quiz. The two randomly chosen winners are: Deanna Risser and Elvesta Hochstedler. Congratulations to Deanna and Elvesta! Each will receive a free copy of a Herald Press book that appeared in the quiz.
And now, for all of you who participated and all of you who didn’t: here are the answers to the first lines quiz. No one except MennoMedia staff got all of the answers correct. But several folks got eight or nine out of ten, which isn’t bad at all. See how you did:
1. Mother eyed me critically as I blew my nose and mopped up the drippings in an overworked hankie.
Bonnet Strings by Saloma Miller FurlongBlush by Shirley Hershey ShowalterThe Storekeeper’s Daughter by Katie Funk WiebeOrdinary Miracles by Rachel S. Gerber
2. Among the cookbooks on the pantry shelf at home there has always been the little hand-written notebook of recipes.
More-with-Less Cookbook by Doris Janzen LongacreMennonite Girls Can Cook by Lovella Schellenberg, et al.Mennonite Country-Style Recipes by Esther H. ShankMennonite Community Cookbook by Mary Emma Showalter
3. Brass samovars of sweet, milky tea mark the quarter of Peshawar, Pakistan, that has long been called Qissa Khwani, or the “storytellers’ bazaar.”
A Muslim and a Christian Dialogue by Badru Kateregga and David W. ShenkMaking Friends Among the Taliban by Jonathan P. LarsonChanging Lenses by Howard ZehrTeatime in Mogadishu by Ahmed Ali Haile
4. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be big.
Laughter is Sacred Space by Ted SwartzBonnet Strings by Saloma Miller FurlongBlush by Shirley Hershey ShowalterJacob’s Choice by Ervin R. Stutzman
5. Cutting back sounds like a dismal prospect. “Let’s splurge, just this once” appeals more to American and Canadian ears.
Simply in Season by Cathleen Hockman-Wert and Mary Beth LindMore-with-Less Cookbook by Doris Janzen LongacreMennonite Community Cookbook by Mary Emma ShowalterExtending the Table by Joetta Handrich Schlabach
6. Thirty-seven percent is a comfortable humidity level, a great batting average if you’re a baseball player. If it’s a grade on a test, it is not . . . so great.
Blush by Shirley Hershey ShowalterLaughter is Sacred Space by Ted SwartzJacob’s Choice by Ervin R. StutzmanFor God and Country [in that order by Logan Mehl-Laituri
7. I actually killed a cactus once. I mean, really: who kills a cactus?
Ordinary Miracles by Rachel S. GerberLaughter is Sacred Space by Ted SwartzThe Journey Toward Reconciliation by John Paul LederachBlush by Shirley Hershey Showalter
(This one was a trick question! Ordinary Miracles releases in March…)
8. It was a mismatch from the start–being born with a nature that just did not fit into my Amish culture.
Jacob’s Choice by Ervin R. StutzmanOrdinary Miracles by Rachel S. GerberBlush by Shirley Hershey ShowalterBonnet Strings by Saloma Miller Furlong
9. “The Anabaptists are back!” announced an American author a few years ago in a book.
The Upside-Down Kingdom by Donald B. KraybillDoctrines of the Bible by Daniel KauffmanThe Naked Anabaptist by Stuart MurrayAn Introduction to Mennonite History by Cornelius J. Dyck
10. Anna Stutzman sank into her rocking chair as the last rays of the midsummer sun dimmed on the Kansas horizon.
Tobias of the Amish by Ervin R. StutzmanJacob’s Choice by Ervin R. StutzmanA Treasured Friendship by Carrie BenderCalm Before the Storm by Janice Dick
So no matter how you did, pat yourself on the back if you participated in this first-ever Herald Press first lines quiz. And resolve to increase your score next time by reading more Herald Press books!
Valerie Weaver-Zercher is managing editor of Herald Press trade books.
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