Harrisonburg, VA — Two anonymous donors have given over $100,000 to MennoMedia to support the Believers Church Bible Commentary series. In 2013, the Ohio-based married couple, who wish to remain anonymous, started making small gifts for the commentaries. Those small donations grew into larger gifts, totaling more than $100,000 given over the past 9 years.
“I have been interested in studying the Bible for many years, since high school, or earlier,” said one of the donors, who continues to enjoy studying the Bible and teaching Bible studies.
The Believers Church Bible Commentary series, published by MennoMedia’s book imprint Herald Press, is designed for Sunday school teachers, members of Bible study groups, students, pastors, and others who seek more fully to understand the original message of Scripture and its meaning for today. The series is based on the conviction that God is still speaking to all who will listen, and that the Holy Spirit makes the Word a living and authoritative guide for all who want to know and do God’s will. Distinct features of this series are “The Text in Biblical Context” and “The Text in the Life of the Church” articles that conclude each section.
The commentary editorial board has representatives from Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Church Canada, the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren, Be in Christ, Church of the Brethren, and Brethren Church. The first volume was published in 1986. To date, 34 volumes have been published—18 Old Testament volumes and 16 New Testament volumes.
A volume on Joel, Obadiah, and Micah will be released in late August. Nine additional volumes remain before the series is complete.
“We are so thankful for the ways these donors have supported this series financially,” said Amy Gingerich, publisher and executive director at MennoMedia. “Their passion for Bible study led them to help us support this ongoing series. Generous donors like them will help the project come to completion.”
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