Gratitude for Risk Takers
December 4, 2013
Guest post by Melissa Miller Just over two years ago, I received a surprising phone call from Dave Bergen (MC Canada, Executive Minister, Formation) inviting me to serve as board… READ MORE
December 4, 2013
Guest post by Melissa Miller Just over two years ago, I received a surprising phone call from Dave Bergen (MC Canada, Executive Minister, Formation) inviting me to serve as board… READ MORE
December 2, 2013
Over Thanksgiving break, my husband and I and our three sons sat down to watch A Christmas Story, a 1983 Christmas film that none of us had ever seen in… READ MORE
November 22, 2013
Guest blog post by Shirley Hershey Showalter, author of Blush: A Mennonite Girl Meets a Glittering World (Herald Press, 2013) Train up a child in the way she should go,… READ MORE
November 15, 2013
Most of us live our lives within tightly controlled comfort zones, whether staying in our air conditioned or well heated homes, or avoiding “the other” in our midst. However, I… READ MORE
November 11, 2013
How does a Christian veteran deal with the horrors he or she witnessed in war? How can a Christian reconcile faith and killing? When I first saw we at MennoMedia/Herald… READ MORE
November 8, 2013
I’ve been a passionate fan of the comic and cartoon arts for as long as I can remember. I grew up reading everything from Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes to… READ MORE
November 4, 2013
It’s my sense that the number of those who are interested in Anabaptism is on the rise. Last week I was with Marty Troyer at some meetings. Marty is pastor… READ MORE
November 1, 2013
Through years of freelancing and now working remotely as an editor at Herald Press, I’ve become accustomed to working in my basement office. It’s a great place to focus on… READ MORE
October 11, 2013
Shirley Hershey Showalter wrote in her recently published memoir, Blush, “Almost every culture and religion uses food to support its most cherished values.” MennoMedia believes that strongly. Do you think… READ MORE
October 9, 2013
It’s a fascinating thing to step away from a job for 10½ weeks. Those projects you never thought would be complete? Someone finished them. That final endorsement? It arrived. Deadlines… READ MORE
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