Leader Resources

Subscribers to Leader enjoy permission to photocopy the worship resources printed in the magazine. Each issue of Leader also includes a password (generally found on the first page of the worship resources) that allows access to digital files of the resources.

Leader Worship Resources to Feature Narrative Lectionary

Starting with Advent 2024–Epiphany 2025, our worship resources will follow the Narrative Lectionary. Several Anabaptist congregations are using the Narrative Lectionary and recommending this change. This lectionary features the telling of the whole story of the Bible each year, including a sequential reading of the four gospels in a four-year cycle.

An introduction to the Narrative Lectionary can be found in the Summer 2023 Leader issue. See  the workingpreacher website for more information.


Quarterly Worship Resources in Leader magazine are marked with “permission to photocopy.” Subscribers may reproduce these worship resources at no cost.

For permission to reprint other articles from Leader, please contact Aileen Esau at [email protected]. We ask payment of $0.99 per copy for each article reproduced from Leader.

Contact Us

We at Leader would love to hear your feedback, suggestions and questions.

Editor: Sharon K. Williams
Email: [email protected]

Editorial and Subscription Office:
P.O. Box 866
Harrisonburg VA 22803
Order Line: 1-800-245-7894