You have to be there
April 3, 2013
By Byron Rempel-Burkholder, book editor “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” I sang that song three times on Easter weekend, and each time I was moved by its… READ MORE
April 3, 2013
By Byron Rempel-Burkholder, book editor “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” I sang that song three times on Easter weekend, and each time I was moved by its… READ MORE
April 1, 2013
By Jonathan Larson, author of Making Friends among the Taliban (2012, Herald Press) and consulting producer of documentary (aired on ABC-TV), both chronicling the life and adventures of humanitarian Dan… READ MORE
March 29, 2013
Last week our designer, Merrill Miller, summarized the first two rounds of logo development for the new children’s curriculum, Shine. This week, he finishes his report and unveils the final…. READ MORE
March 27, 2013
The Bible is a curious thing, isn’t it. Inimitable among texts. As ancient as they come. And yet each time we look at a text, fresh insight awaits. For five… READ MORE
March 25, 2013
A few weeks ago some of our MennoMedia staff met to do some strategic planning. It was an energizing experience and a fruitful time. One thing we all felt was… READ MORE
March 22, 2013
As some of you are already aware, our children’s curriculum, Gather ’Round, will be transitioning to Shine in 2014. Shine Make ‘em wonder what you’ve got Make ‘em wish that… READ MORE
March 20, 2013
Cookbooks can be a bit like diaries: paging through their rippled and stained pages, you recall daily routines, holiday celebrations, and even the tragedies that have composed your life. Here… READ MORE
March 18, 2013
What does the food we eat and how we prepare it say about the kind of world we envision? Food “draws together all of the important themes of biblical faith”… READ MORE
March 15, 2013
As director of development, I have the privilege of visiting and getting to know many of MennoMedia’s generous supporters, both individuals and congregations. In March I represented MennoMedia at the… READ MORE
March 12, 2013
Resource Advocates are amazing people! We couldn’t do our job at MennoMedia without them. They help to spread the word about new resources and materials, ensuring that our products are… READ MORE
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