
You have to be there

By Byron Rempel-Burkholder, book editor “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” I sang that song three times on Easter weekend, and each time I was moved by its… READ MORE

Dig In: The Bible at its Best

The Bible is a curious thing, isn’t it. Inimitable among texts. As ancient as they come. And yet each time we look at a text, fresh insight awaits. For five… READ MORE

Inspiration for Holy Week

A few weeks ago some of our MennoMedia staff met to do some strategic planning. It was an energizing experience and a fruitful time. One thing we all felt was… READ MORE

Hats off to Resource Advocates!

Resource Advocates are amazing people! We couldn’t do our job at MennoMedia without them. They help to spread the word about new resources and materials, ensuring that our products are… READ MORE