
Hats off to Resource Advocates!

Resource Advocates are amazing people! We couldn’t do our job at MennoMedia without them. They help to spread the word about new resources and materials, ensuring that our products are… READ MORE

Keeping Current with Technology (Part 1)

Ten Tons of books. That’s what I estimated were heading for the dumpster as we closed the warehouse of the former Mennonite Publishing Network (MPN) in Scottdale, PA,  in June… READ MORE

Take a tour of MennoMedia

When I was a kid, it was a big deal to tour BOTH the Mennonite Publishing House in Scottdale, Pa., and Mennonite Broadcasts Inc. in Harrisonburg, Va., when our family… READ MORE

Should You Judge a Book by its Cover?

We’ve all grown up hearing the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Working in the publishing industry (and more specifically, in marketing), this saying can be a bit… READ MORE

Get out of the Building

A year ago, when I attended the Tools of Change conference in NYC, I attended a workshop led by Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup. In a future post… READ MORE

Connecting with your audience

Publishing is no longer just about putting out a great product. It’s about connecting with your audience. In Michael Hyatt’s bestselling book, Platform, he writes that good products (such as… READ MORE

From Gather ’Round to Shine

For the last 18 months MennoMedia and Brethren Press have been working collaboratively to imagine a new children’s curriculum to succeed Gather ’Round: Hearing and Sharing God’s Good News. Gather… READ MORE