Search Results

Showing results 501-510 of 540

My Cup Overflows with Celebrations

Oh what a weekend! I had the honor of helping launch the Mennonite Girls Can Cook Celebrations book this weekend at events in Abbotsford and Chilliwack, British Columbia. With me… READ MORE

Entrepreneurs and Startups

Over the past year I have talked frequently about the need for MennoMedia to think like a startup. The inspiration for this idea came from hearing Eric Reis (author of The… READ MORE

Let your light shine

Over the past 18 months we have been planning for, and dreaming about, the next generation of Sunday school curriculum. If you’ve been following this blog, you’ve read a bit… READ MORE

Curation, a publishing model for MennoMedia?

For about as long as I’ve worked in the publishing industry I’ve been involved in discussions about the right publishing “model” for paid content. Authors, editors and other content creators… READ MORE

Why I do what I do

“So, what do you do?” We all ask it, when we meet someone new. Usually, we are asking about a job: where do you work to earn money, what do… READ MORE