“I love Colin McCartney. We’ve been friends for over a decade. I’ve read all his books. And this one is special. He deconstructs the things that need deconstruction, but he helps you reconstruct a better, more robust faith. He doesn’t come with a wrecking ball, but rather has the precision of a surgeon. As Colin reminds us, the word gospel means ‘good news’ . . . but much of what you hear in the church doesn’t sound like good news at all. Colin helps you cut through the funk of Christendom and get to the real good news of Jesus. That good news is that God is love, nothing more and nothing less. And anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is lying.”
~—SHANE CLAIBORNE, author, activist, and cofounder of Red Letter Christians
“This is a must-read for those who are ready to be honest and transparent with their theological struggles. Through Colin McCartney’s own spiritual journey, the reader is invited to join in deep personal reflection. Disturbing questions are validated and nagging doubts are acknowledged. The potential reward for participating in this exercise of deep reflection is worth the discomfort it may cause. It is honesty that will bring relief and allow truth to set you free.”
~—WILLARD METZGER, executive director of Citizens for Public Justice and former executive director of Mennonite Church Canada
“Through sharing personal experiences, relying heavily on Scripture, and looking closely at church history, Colin McCartney contributes to the process of deconstruction, or in his own words, ‘renovation,’ regardless of whether you identify as a follower of Jesus or are skeptical. Above all, Colin draws us back to celebrate a ‘lost treasure’ that has been ‘found,’ which is that in Jesus Christ the fullness of God dwells. This revelation of a Jesus-like God brings healing to the distorted images of God that religion and bad theology have given us. As someone who is from, and also serves in, the inner city, I can see how this book will make sense of a lot of questions that have held us in bondage. Through seeing the love of God displayed in Jesus, I can also see the liberation from that bondage.”
~—JORDAN THOMS, rap artist and pastor of Warden Underground Community Church
“Colin McCartney has an uncanny ability to simplify complex theology in his explanation of who Jesus was and is. As he shares his own stories, we are invited to see how he deconstructs his childhood understanding of God to better follow Jesus daily in his ministry amid urban poverty. Let the Light In is a challenging, encouraging, and must-read book.”
~—BRIAN BAUMAN, retired mission minister for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
“Whether you are a pastor, church member, or casual participant or are among the growing cadre of ‘nones and dones,’ Colin McCartney’s book is a courageous challenge to all of us to reclaim Jesus as the center of who we are and all we are called to be. Getting to know Colin in the course of the journey unpacked in this book has been a blessing. Seeing Colin’s journey influence a new generation of church planters has been and continues to be an inspiration! Let the Light In is a must-read for all our church planters.”
~—NORM DYCK, founder and team leader of INNOVATE Be the Change and mission minister for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
“In this engaging, insightful, and immensely practical work, Colin McCartney helps readers deconstruct their fear-based conceptions of God as well as their ‘flat’ ways of reading Scripture in order to help them reconstruct their conception of God in light of the revelation of God in Christ. I believe that readers who take this easy-to-read book to heart and who put into practice its wise instruction will discover a relationship with God and a way of reading Scripture that is as beautiful as it is transforming. I couldn’t recommend a book more strongly than I recommend Let the Light In.”
~—GREG BOYD, theologian, author, and senior pastor of Woodland Hills Church
“This important book deals with some of the key questions that many are afraid to ask and many leaders are afraid to tackle. Drawing on a broad range of teachers from the earliest centuries up to the present, and integrating his personal faith journey, Colin McCartney deals with simplistic ideas of a harsh, judgmental God, dictation theories of inspiration, the importance of Jesus as the living Word of God, and other questions that are causing many to leave more conservative churches. While it is highly unlikely that anyone will agree with every idea advanced, the issues raised deserve the attention of all thinking Christians. An easy-to-read and thought-provoking book.”
~—MALCOM SEATH, retired pharmaceutical executive and board member of numerous professional, business, and mission groups