Our world is increasingly complex, fast-paced, and divided. How are people of faith bringing their best selves to the world each day? How are we leading, growing, and being as people of God?
Ing Podcast is a place to share insights and stories from individuals creatively engaging the present and moving into the future.
Ing Podcast is hosted by Rev. Dr. Dennis Edwards and Allison Maus, and is a production of MennoMedia, a nonprofit Publisher that creates thoughtful, Anabaptist resources to enrich faith in a complex world.
Episode Transcripts
Season 3 Special Advent Episode: “Expecting”
with Joanna Harader
Season 3 Episode 2: Anabaptism at 500 mini-series
with Mollee Moua and John Roth
Season 3 Episode 3: Anabaptism at 500 mini-series
with Amy Gingerich
Season 3 Episode 4: Anabaptism at 500 mini-series
with Sarah Augustine, Jonny Rashid, and Gerald Mast
Season 3 Episode 5: Anabaptism at 500 mini-series
with Lisa Krieg, Hugh Laurence, and Danny Armounfelder
Season 3 Episode 6: Anabaptism at 500 mini-series:
FAQ with Amy Gingerich, John D. Roth, and Mollee Moua
Season 3 Episode 7: “Thriving”
with Jenn Ranter Hook and Joshua Hook
Season 3 Episode 8: “Living”
with Don Neufeld and Steve Thomas
Season 3 Episode 9: “Building”
Beyond Incarceration Series
with Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz & Daniela Lázaro-Manalo
Season 3 Episode 10: “Finding”
with Melanie Springer Mock
Season 3 Episode 11: “Seeing”
with Rev. Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw
Season 3 Episode 12: “Circling”
with Mark D. Baker
Season 3 Episode 13: “Sustaining”
with members of the planning team for the Youth and Young Adult Climate Summit
Season 3 Episode 14: “Empowering”
with Lisa Bowens and Dennis Edwards
Season 3 Episode 15: “Rewilding and Reconstructing”
with Todd Wynward
Season 3 Episode 16: “Rewiring and Repurposing”
with Daniel “Ryno” Hererra and Todd Wynward
Season 3 Episode 17: “Storytelling”
with Joan Daggett and Chrissie Muecke
Season 3 Episode 18: “Untidying”
with Kate Boyd
Season 3 Episode 19: “Godbreathing”
with Zack Hunt
Season 3 Episode 20: “Bordering”
with Mark Adams
Season 3 Episode 21: “Subverting”
with Craig Greenfield
Season 3 Episode 22: “Walking”
with Tamara Hill Murphy
Season 3 Episode 23: “Descending”
with Tommy Airey
Season 3 Episode 24: “Cooking”
with Heather Wolfe
Season 2 Episode 25: “Wrapping Up”
with Allison Maus and Ben Wideman

Rev. Dr. Dennis R. Edwards is Associate Professor of New Testament at North Park Theological Seminary. He’s the author of 1 Peter in the Story of God Bible Commentary series (Zondervan) and Might from the Margins: The Gospel’s Power to Turn the Tables on Injustice (Herald Press). Dennis earned a BS (in chemical engineering) from Cornell University, MDiv (in urban ministry) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, MA and PhD (in biblical studies) from Catholic University of America. He has over thirty years of urban pastoral ministry experience, having served in Brooklyn, DC, and Minneapolis. He has been married to Susan Steele Edwards since 1982. They have four adult children and four grandchildren.

Rev. Allison Maus is a Presbyterian Campus Minister working with young adults in the Penn State area. After serving three years as a Graduate Ministry Intern with the Whitworth University Chapel she received her M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary before moving to Pennsylvania. She is obsessed with the book of Ruth and is always trying to find ways to add creative expression to work with students and congregations. Allison is always happy to talk about the latest book she is reading, new crafting projects, or hammock camping.

Rev. Ben Wideman grew up in Canada, went to college in Virginia, and seminary in California, before finding a new home in Pennsylvania. After spending almost a decade in youth and college ministry within Mennonite Church USA, he now spends his time primarily as a stay-at-home dad, with a bit of part time ministry and podcasting on the side. He collects more hobbies than is necessary, such as homebrewing, gardening, playing disc golf, watching baseball, cycling, and lots of other random things.
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