Support MennoMedia

MennoMedia would not exist without generous support from our donors.

Donors make the difference in ensuring our products are developed to pursue mission over profit. Our curricula, periodicals, books, and other content empower individuals and congregations to teach and pass on the transformative message of following Jesus in daily life.

Mailing a Check

U.S. Donors:
Please make your check payable to MennoMedia and send to:
PO Box 866 Harrisonburburg, VA 22803

Canadian donors:
Please make cheques payable to Mennonite Church Canada and note “MennoMedia” in the memo line.

Mail to Mennonite Church Canada, 600 Shaftesbury Blvd., Winnipeg MB R3P 0M4.

Ways to Give

  • Gifts of cash
  • Distributions from a donor advised fund
  • Qualified charitable distributions from an IRA
  • Gifts of farm commodities
  • Gifts of securities
  • Gifts of real estate
  • Gifts of personal property
  • Planned gifts

Make an Online Donation

Canadian donors who wish to receive a receipt for their donation should direct their gift to Mennonite Church Canada and designate MennoMedia as the recipient.

If donating for Pastor Appreciation, please leave the name of your pastor and church in this field.

Provident Giving Society

The Provident Giving Society is an exceptional group of dedicated supporters of MennoMedia who make an annual gift of $1,000 or more to our ministry. This group of donors provides foundational resources needed to pursue our mission of creating thoughtful Anabaptist resources to enrich faith in a complex world.

2025 Members

*Giving based on 2024 calendar year

Visionaries — $25,000+

Elwin Lefevre Estate
Ed and Carol Nofziger
Lee and Marvin Schmucker
Galen Miller and Sue Neeb

Leaders — $10,000-$24,999

Dr. Joseph W. Longacher Jr
Carolyn Sauder

Sustainers — $5,000-$9,999

Joy Martin Buschert Estate
Lotus and Judy Hershberger
Abe Graber Memorial Fund
Anna Marie Zimmerly Detweiler Estate
Donald White and Betty Good-White
Stan and Susan Godshall
Luke Mullet and Sarah Roth Mullet
Jack and Jeanette Reimer
David and Aileen Esau

Stakeholders — $2,500-$4,999

Cory and Kelsay Rychener
Leota Mann
EC Foundation
Robert C Wenger Estate
Ron and Roxanne Claassen
Bob and Eloise Hostetler
Larry and Janet Newswanger
Joe and Marcia Hackman
Marvin and Ruth Penner

Friends — $1,000-$2,499

Ken Rodgers
Nancy Hilty Estate
Henry and Charlotte Rosenberger
Linford and Alicia Beachy
Louise Cullar
Luella Gerig
Lois E Yoder
Byron and Ellen Kempf Miller
Wendell and Veronica Sauder
Edna and George Dyck
John and Ruth Roth
Abe Bergen and Harriet Hamer
Willis Sutter
Russ and Janet Buschert
Susan and Firman Gingerich
Angela Rempel
Alvin and Nadine Peters
Wendell Lantz and Doris Weaver
Robert Martin
Mil and Ruth Penner
Phil and Betsy Moyer
Tom and Trinda Bishop
Leroy and Maxine Yoder
Suzanne and James Gunden
Brian and Brenda Nebel
Joe Short and Tanya Popp
Sheldon and Janis Burkhalter
Ervin R and Bonnie Stutzman
Norma and Melvin Diller
Mark and Kathy Shelly
Sid and Peg Burkey
David and Susie Neufeld
David Groh
Dan Jantzen
Howard and Marsha Miller
Jeff and Kathy Miller
Lyle and Bonnie Miller

Congregational Partners

Community Mennonite Church (Harrisonburg), Harrisonburg, VA
Faith Mennonite Church (Newton), Newton, KS
Salem Mennonite Church (Freeman), Freeman, SD
Grace Hill Mennonite Church, Whitewater, KS
North Suburban Mennonite Church, Mundelein, IL
Salem-Zion Mennonite Church, Freeman, SD
Belmont Mennonite Church, Elkhart, IN
Eden Mennonite Church (Moundridge), Moundridge, KS
Zion Mennonite Church (Hubbard), Hubbard, OR
Mennonite Church of Normal, Normal, IL
Bethel College Mennonite Church, North Newton, KS
Hyattsville Mennonite Church, Hyattsville, MD
Sermon on the Mount Mennonite Church, Sioux Falls, SD
East Union Mennonite Church (Kalona), Kalona, IA
Freeport Mennonite Church, Freeport, IL
Bellwood Mennonite Church, Milford, NE
Akron Mennonite Church, Akron, PA
Albany Mennonite Church, Albany, OR
Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster, Lancaster, PA
Emmaus Road Mennonite Fellowship, Berne, IN
Corvallis Mennonite Fellowship, Corvallis, OR
Portland Mennonite Church, Portland, OR
First Mennonite Church of Iowa City, Iowa City, IA
Forest Hills Mennonite Church, Leola, PA
Waterford Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN
Assembly Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN
Zion Mennonite Church (Broadway), Broadway, VA
First Mennonite Church of Denver, Denver, CO
Zion Mennonite Church (Souderton), Souderton, PA

Your investment in MennoMedia helps keep the Anabaptist message alive. The impact of your gift is multiplied as individuals and congregations use MennoMedia materials to teach and pass on Anabaptist Christian themes of justice, peace, and reconciliation. There is no better way to invest in current and future generations, ensuring they are given the faith formation tools that inspire them to follow Jesus.

Planned Giving

Planned giving is an expression of a donor’s support, passion, and generosity. It is a way to leave a legacy of nurturing Christian faith in a complex world by supporting the development of Christian formation materials and curricula for generations to come. Planned giving is something you can do no matter the size of your estate. Giving through deferred gift plans is an effective way to expand your charitable impact as a part of your legacy.

If you have taken steps to include MennoMedia in your planned giving, please let us know. Your gift will designate you as a member of the Provident Legacy Circle, a group of contributors whose deferred gifts support the future financial stability and continued ministry of MennoMedia.

To explore ways to expand your generosity through a planned gift contact Mitch Stutzman, Director of Development.

[email protected] or 540-908-3933

Examples of Deferred Gifts

  • Bequests
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Charitable remainder trusts


The Everence MyNeighbor credit card program offers individuals, businesses and congregations the unique opportunity to generate donations for their favorite charitable organization each time they use their card. 

For every purchase you make, Everence donates 1.50 percent of the transaction total to your selected charity. Click here to learn more about supporting MennoMedia with every purchase.

For donors in the U.S., Everence serves as our partner in generosity. Contact your local Everence consultant if you are looking for creative giving tools to support the causes and organizations you are passionate about or ways to further your financial stewardship journey. 

Learn more about the creative giving tools available through Everence charitable services that you can use to support MennoMedia

Questions? Contact Mitch Stutzman here.

Privacy Policy

MennoMedia’s privacy policy can be found here, or you can click this link to download a pdf version of the policy.