Any time we at MennoMedia launch a new product, there is always a bit of trepidation and second guessing.
Is this really the product the market wanted? Did we listen accurately to the feedback of reviewers—be they individual readers or congregations? Will it be as well-received as we hope?
This past Saturday I had the privilege of being part of the launch of our new children’s Sunday school curriculum, Shine: Living in God’s Light, to an eager audience of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren congregations and conferences/districts.
Together MennoMedia and Brethren Press staff planned the training event—inviting Resource Advocates from Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite and Brethren congregations from the eastern part of the United States and Canada.
We were to start at 9 a.m., and the first eager attendees showed up at 8:30 to get their hands on copies of Shine On, our new story Bible that is an integral part to the curriculum. We knew right away that this product was going to be a hit!
We spent the day hearing about the development of Shine, and how the editors shaped this curriculum in response to user feedback and focus groups.
We heard Bible stories and shared in worship.
We experienced spiritual practices and got to choose from a variety of session activities.
We sang a cappella and we sang with the Shine CDs.
We touched the new Shine curriculum products and we passed them around.
After more than two years of development, it was heartwarming to see this material in the hands of actual Sunday school teachers—to hear their excitement, their questions, their responses. We knew at the end of the day that all the hard work was worth it: this product line is going to make a difference in the lives of children!
This launch event was just the beginning. Now that the Shine Sunday school curriculum is available, I invite you to check it out for your congregation.
Start by reviewing the Shine website and explore all the curriculum components. Then order a starter kit for your congregation.
The starter kit is the best way to get acquainted with Shine. The kit contains a quarter’s worth of materials and more: one each of the student pieces, teacher’s guides, and poster/resource packs for each of the age levels (Early Childhood, Primary, Middler, and Junior Youth) plus the Early Childhood Music CD (used for three years), one annual Shine songbook and CD (for Primary through Junior Youth), and Shine On: A Story Bible.
The kit comes with a Shine messenger bag, while quantities last. A $225 value, purchase at the special price of $175.
Join us in letting the light of Christ shine in the world!
Amy Gingerich, editorial director
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