Today, Friday, September 26, is Native American Day in the U.S. and last weekend’s Missio Alliance talks on issues of cultural tension, peace, justice, and reconciliation remain on my mind. Our editorial director Amy Gingerich wrote about it here.
Below is a list of resources that speak to these issues. These books were the most popular at our Missio Alliance conference book table—which I was pleased to staff—and are great for personal as well as group study.
- Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians, by John Paul Lederach—tells dramatic stories of what works and what doesn’t work in resolving conflicts.
- Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry, edited by Steve Heinrichs—showcases a variety of voices from multiple faiths and cultures working toward reconciliation especially between indigenous peoples and settlers.
- Sacred Pauses: Spiritual Practices for Personal Renewal, by April Yamasaki—in this fast-paced world full of distractions, spiritual practices help us become centered and more in touch.
- For God and Country (in that order): Faith and Service for Ordinary Radicals, by Logan Mehl-Laituri—Iraq War veteran-turned-pacifist highlights stories of soldiers, saints, patriots, and pacifists throughout church history.
- Radical Jesus: A Graphic History of Faith, edited by Paul Buhle; illustrated by Sabrina Jones, Gary Dumm, and Nick Thorkelson—a compelling graphic rendition of the story of Jesus and his social message throughout history.
- Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith, by Stuart Murray—What does Anabaptism look like when not clothed in Mennonite or Amish tradition? Here are the core components.
- Spacious Heart: Room for Spiritual Awakening, by Donald Clymer and Sharon Clymer Landis—offers twelve key insights for unlocking the heart for greater intimacy with God.
- Upside-Down Kingdom: Updated Edition, by Donald Kraybill—shows Jesus’ countercultural and subversive message of winning by serving.
- Shine On: A Story Bible—nurtures authentic faith in children with stories, questions, facts, and beautiful illustrations.
As the speakers at the Missio Alliance conference pointed out; it’s about the gospel and getting the message of peace to a torn, tired, and hungry world. May these resources help us instill a deeper faith and embody the hope of Christ as we share Him with others.
What MennoMedia resources have you used that have most changed your thought processes and helped you grow spiritually? Let us know!
Jerilyn Schrock
Herald Press sales and marketing manager
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